June 30, 2010

Dsquared VS. Paul Smith

Desquared F/W 2011

dsquerd Dsquared2 dsquared206DsquaredUgly Dsquared galerie-44135-org

Grrr like gruesome… the colors don´t work together that nice, but ok. The really bad part are the shapes and cuts. I mean this is the Fashion show and those guys are models, but please how unfavorable can a cut be, that even an ass (excuse me ^^) of a model looks like a cavy? However, I think that´s not the only shape problem the line has. Apart from that the show doesn´t offer anything inspiring or different.
Big zong!!!

Preppy gewollt- und nich gekonnt! :(


Paul Smith F/W 2011

ps2 ps3 ps ps4 pss psss

This year the English men Paul Smith showed his collection in Paris. The whole collection has an underground touch and I can totally feel the London sense (this is so london-street-wear!) in this! The silhouettes are less structured and obviously inspired by the late 60ties. Cool!!! 

London underground gewollt- und auf jeden gekonnt! :)

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"See, the poor dream all their lives of getting enough to eat and looking like the rich.
And what do the rich dream of?

Losing weight and looking like the poor."