Ok the skulls are totally nothing new anymore, but say what you want I still love skulls (…skulls, leo print and fluorescent yellow always works for me! ^^)This “art” is something different as the normal anyway! The Japanese artist Fumie Sasabuchi works on fashion images and adds a twisted and dark edge to them by working skeletons and skulls etc. into the pictures. I think her work is great and gives a new depth to the fashion shoots…
…Fumie Sasabuchi´s revision of the fashion pages doesn´t only play with the taboo topic of death, but also with the oxymorn of our (societies) perception of beauty and the beyond beauty…
…so who has the nicer body now, I mean skinny wise it´s about the same, right!? ;)
March 31, 2011
Fumie Sasabuchi: Japanese artist
March 30, 2011
Keds: Dachshund seakers “Doxies”
For our next Trendmagazine “Trendpulse” of the trend forecasting class at Polimoda one topic is dealing with dogs and I don´t want to go too much ahead with ideas, but I just have to share these crazy cool shoes that I found by Keds:
Ohhh my gooood I love love love them!!! And there are all different kinds of them and in addition you can customize great part of the shoe to have it just your way! ^^
To find the Keds dachshund shoe collection online go to: www.zazzle.com
March 27, 2011
Levis x Demian Hirst: Collaboration
The world really is so crazy about Hirst at the moment… apparently so were ppl at Levis as well:
This collaboration by Levis with Demian Hirst inspired by two different themes, which are actually two oxymorons, with the first part named “skull” and the other part named “butterfly”. These kind of resemble a continuation of Hirst’s fascination of colour. The skulls adorn most pieces, in the most bright and colorful way possible.
The pieces are nice, but seriously what is it all about Demian Hirst!?? His diamond skull is EVERYWHERE! Well, the original is in Florence right now and I read about the Demian Hirst exhibition. So I thought if it´s here I might as well go and find out myself… and to put it brief- boring!
It´s just the skull… I mean yeah, it might be the most precious thing in the world right now, but wasn't´t Mr. Hirst able to get some other things over here?!?
March 26, 2011
Céline: Ad in D la Repibblica
Just saw this advertisement by Céline in the latest D la Repubblica (La Repubblica is one of the most important newspapers in Italy and every Saturday the paper comes with the mag D, which is a surprisingly influential and fashion heavy magazine… anyway, getting carried away…). I love the ad, cauz it´s so not Céline. The skateboard is breaking the look of the normally so luxurious, elegant and rather classic French brand- great!!!
James Brown: What a style he had!
The Godfather of Soul not only had a very distinguish voice, but also a extremely distinguish style. I kinda stomped into pictures of an auction of James Brown cloth and I must say- rockin!!! ^^
Nexus Vomitus: Vomit “art” performance
How disgusting can art get!???
Now the vomit “artist” Millie Brown actually really calls this “art” and now tries to sell the final outcome for £ 1,500.
If somebody buys this, he must really be sick too- cauz I wouldn´t call this art, but anorexia. Yuck, some artists honestly run out of good ideas!
March 23, 2011
Stella McCartney: Birkenstock-style heels
Ok admittedly the original Birkenstocks aren't that pretty, but at least they're super-comfy and we could at least agree that the Birks get some special anti-style eco trendy that making them stylish kinda aura.
However, now Stella McCartney is using this anti-style for high heels and the outcome is quite interesting… I am still trying to find a redeeming quality in these 450€ Stella McCartney Birk-inspired monstrosities…
March 21, 2011
Rainboots: Fashion for next Fall
Ok, you might not “need” them now, but honestly when it comes to fashion it´s not only about necessities right!?
So here they come, some of the newest styles of rainboots, from classical tall boots, to sport low-cut styles:
1. Tall apple-green style by Hunter 2. Fur-lined leaf-print version by Moov Boot 3. Floral-print look with purple sole and laces by Betsey Johnson 3. Tall back-zip boot with buckles by Steve Madden.
Or, if you want something that would totally be a “need” for spring, go with this nice rubber ballerina by Hunter (online at LuisaViaRoma):
Ooor, if you don´t want to spend that much on Hunters, these Wellies by Joules (order online on TopShop), they would be a great thing for one of all the great music festivals to come:
Ooooor, (ok, yeah getting carried away…) if you want them to be good for nearly any season go for the rubber sneakers Millbank by Hunter. These fuse the classic Hunter rainboot with high-top trainers (online at Hunter):
Tokyo: Cancellation of Japan Fashion Week
-More shocking news from Tokyo and it´s fashion industry-
Obviously there is no necessity of a Fashion Week in Japan right now, consequently the Fashion Shows were canceled.
Who ever mainly thinks of buying cloth and shopping during I time like this, where your country is suffering from such a natural disaster as has striked Japan last week, must have a really sick and twisted way. But still, as I worked at the Japan Fashion Week last year and everything was ok… normal and now… companies like H&M, Chanel and PPR have been reported to move employees south, because even though the fears of a big recession in Japan are huge, safety goes first. So it happens to be that, people get to see what was extremely unimaginable in the country of working ants- many stores in the capital remain closed, as for example Asics, which derives one third of its revenue in Japan.
Japan is the third-largest world economy, naturally this is going to have an huge impact, as it consequently will on the global economy too. We will see how strong that impact is going to be and what is going to happen- but with strong will and discipline (which no other society has as the Japs have) everything is going to be rebuilt and organized again!
(Last September in Tokyo: Fashion´s Night Out, High-end fashion stores in Aoyama, Cartier & Prada)May the love and strength be with all the people and families suffering during this hard time!!!!! You are in my prayers, my beloved friends and Japanese family…
March 19, 2011
Pappbrille: Epic summer trend- paperboard-“glasses”
The new party piece - Pappbrille.
“Just with a little bit of card-board and a good idea, designer Cantemir Gheorgiu created the new fun-accessory from Berlin. Glasses punched from card-board without actual glasses - this is the Pappbrille. Everyone in fashion knows that at the bottom line it's all about looks and you better look sharp.”
Extremely fashionable are the latest summer accessories `Made in Germany´- glasses made of paperboard. Simply called “Pappbrille”, which translated means cardboard glasses.The “glasses” are already total in trend in Germany, since they´ve been introduced at the last Mercedes-Benz Fashion Berlin and people been running around with the Pappbrille everywhere.
Cool about them are the different styles and the fact that they are extremely cheap- so change your Pappbrille frequently….
March 16, 2011
Christian Louboutin: Heels gone highly mad
Apart from the fact that I really don´t like these style-wise, I think there is just a bit too much goin on, there is also too much goin on hight-wise! I mean seriously, didn´t Louboutin announce a little while ago that I didn´t want to torture woman that much and not go higher than 14cm anymore!? …excuse me, what the hell is this 18cm heel in the new collection doin then???
March 15, 2011
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac: My fav collection Fall 2011
Okey admittedly the beginning of the collection does not have anything to do with the inspiration of Man Ray, but rather disney´s Dalmatians… the more surprising this take actually is…
…so not taking Man Ray into consideration, for me the doggy style and especially the skull hats work…
…and then, let´s say the second half of the collection starts to reveal the deeper connection of the pieces of this fall collection by Castelbajac to the American artist Man Ray, most known for his so called "rayographs" (photograms). From his adopted country France it was, where he made his mark on the art of photography in the 1930s.
Swatch: Special Edition by Jeremy Scott
March 13, 2011
Kristensen: The MONO
Ein weiterer Schritt Berlin zu dem zu machen was es sein sollte- Modestadt Deutschlands… ach was sag ich, der Welt…
Es war einmal vor vielen vielen Jahren (im Jahre
1920 genau) in Italien, Florenz, als der Künster Ernesto Thayaht den “Tuta” erfand. Ein erster Vorläufer eines Einteilers, ein “Gewand” das uns heute eher als Overall bekannt ist. Thayaht nannte den Tuta “das innovativste, futuristischste Kleidungsstück das jemals in der Geschichte italienischer Mode hergestellt wurde”. Schnell avancierte der Overall, der als praktisches Stück für jeden Tag gedacht war, zum revolutionären Fashionpiece in der Florentinier High Society…
…zurück in die Gegenwart, der Tuta längs vergessen, nach einer durchgezechten Nacht irgendwo in Berlin Mitte. Zwei Brüder im totalen Chill-out-mode… fehlt nur die passende Klamotte dazu. Der Gedanke war geboren, etwas Gemütliches, nur rein schlüpfen, aber trotzdem trendy unterwegs!?
Nach weiteren langen Nächten war es klar, ein unisex wohlfühl Jumpsuit- rein hüpfen, zu zippen, fertig! Das war der Beginn von KRISTENSEN - High End Basics, dem Label der Kristensen Brüder, denen wir den MONO zu verdanken haben!
Heißt es nicht immer Geschichte wiederholt sich!? Nur diesmal noch besser- flauschiger, cooler (weil schicke Farben), schneller anzuziehen ((und aus ^^) weil Zipper) und einfach noch korrekter (weil Berliner Mode Revolution ^^)!Noch haben die Jungs das Ding nicht im Laden, aber das is null Problemo, gechillt von zu Haus aus den KRISTENSEN Online Shop checken:

And what do the rich dream of?
Losing weight and looking like the poor."