February 28, 2011

Vogue: Dogs in the fashion mag

As I just recently had the theme of dogs on the runways I also came across the pictures of our quadruped friends in Vogue.

"The next best thing to having the world at your feet is to have a dog at your heels"

Vogue 1930dogs_in_vogue_book

vogue_us_1987 vogue_france_1990 vogue_us_1990 vogu_it_1991 vogue_us_2002 vogue_us_2007 vogue-italy-2008 vogue_us_2009 vogue_nippon_2009  

(Vogue US 1987, France 1990, US 1990, Italia 1991, US 2002, US 2007, Italia 2008, US 2009 and last Vogue Nippon 2009)

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"See, the poor dream all their lives of getting enough to eat and looking like the rich.
And what do the rich dream of?

Losing weight and looking like the poor."