Roberto Cavalli
Both lines have some really great looks, but Just Cavalli is working way more in Line with the fall season. It offers the colors and fabrics you would want to wear to warm you in view of winter to come soon…My winner: Just Cavalli!
December 07, 2010
Cavalli: Just Cavalli VS. Roberto Cavalli
December 06, 2010
Roberto Cavalli: Fur Coat
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG… I love love LOVE this coat:Die Kälte knallt auf Deutschland ein, was kann man da besser gebrauchen als einen Pelzmantel- und dann auch noch so einen!?!
Haben wollen um die Straßen so richtig zu rocken… naja man wird ja mal träumen dürfen… hehe
Michael Kors: Pre-Fall 2011
With this pre-fall collection I am missing some of the more colorful, powerful styles Michael Kors normally has… maybe he has enough of that… or just right now!?!!!
“Clothes for the fashion flock to wear to the shows in September,” Kors said. “I can’t look at people in fur, tweed and boots on Sept. 12. You just look ridiculous — like you have no life.”
December 02, 2010
Chanel: Fluffy Puffy winter pieces
Uuuuh, excuse me! Was this signed of by Karl Lagerfeld before it went of to production… or maybe just an manufacturing error!?!
When I saw all these wanna be girls in Japan running around with those wired fur gaiters I just thought OMG that looks really awful and now Chanel, and Karlchen is prooving them (with this wired ugly style) right. …I am in doubt with his senses! Awwwg
Wie kann Karlchen diesen komischen Bigfoot-Style gut finden!? Sowas auf den Runway schicken!? Menschen glauben machen es wäre chick!? (Wobei jeder mit normalem Augenlicht das wohl nicht glauben würde…)
In Japan sind viele von den Mädels die sich für besonders toll gehalten haben mit so abgrundtief häßlichen Fell-Stulpen rumgelaufen und ich dachte noch mein Gott, wer hat denen bloß gesagt das würde gut aussehen??? –Und jetzt das!
December 01, 2010
Pirelli Calendar: Karl Lagerfeld calling the ancient gods
In his studio in the Rue de Lille in Paris, Karlchen gathered a total of 20 photo models and the actress Julianne Moore to present 24 gods, demigods and heroes of classical antiquity and its myths in a total of 36 shots for the calendar. The result are black-and-white photographs in which the models wear nothing other than jewelry, leaves on the breasts, arms, shields or Plexiglas forms in front of their genitals.In seinem Pariser Atelier fotografierte Lagerfeld 15 weibliche und 5 männliche Models, sowie die Schauspielerin Julien Moor für den heiß begehrten fotografiert Modelle in seinem Atelier in Paris für den begehrten Kalender des Reifenherstellers Pirelli. Jedes Model wurde dabei als eine andere Gottheit aus dem alten Rom oder Griechenland dargestellt.
McQ: Now totally Mc Queen´s
…mhhh however, even if now fully owned by Mc Queen, the low-slung pants figure in the revamped McQ collection, for me doesn´t really have an Mc Queen… it´s just… just BOOOORING! Where did this stuff come from… and even if it´s way cheaper- who is supposed to by this??? And ähm, who is supposed to WEAR this!??

And what do the rich dream of?
Losing weight and looking like the poor."