Da geht er doch die Wände hoch… mit seinem Design. Nicht das ich finde das die Stücke für Roche Bobois die der Designer Jean Paul Gaultier in einer Zusammenarbeit mit dem edlen Einrichtungshaus “kreiert” hat so besonders ausgefallen und beeindruckend sind, aber das Bild- toll! Zumindest die Werbung ist also schon mal rund! ;)Well, I´d argue about the creative outcome of the collaboration of Jean Paul Gaultier with the interior company Roche Bobois. However, the picture of the designer with his designs (what came first, shirt or wallpaper???) is great!!
November 30, 2010
Roche Bobois: Collab with Jean Paul Gaultier
November 29, 2010
Autumn Look: Online Shopping
$73 - bunnyhug.co.uk
Stretch jeans »
Back to nature: My fav shoes for this season
Winter is approaching- and it seems to be time for brown tones, suede, leather and a little bit of fur… that´s at least in terms of shoes. Greetings from Pocahontas! ^^Der Winter kommt und unsere Füße wollen (müssen) gut gewährmt werden. In diesem Winter können wir unsere Füßchen im Natur-/ Indiolook einpacken. Brauntöne, Wildleder und Fell, Geflochtenes und Fransen bestimmen den Look:
With these shoes, the heart of every urban Indian beat faster. By Minnetonka (140,- €).
Sporty but fashy nature girl would go for these. Gucci boots for 680,- €.
These pocahontas hooves keep you warm and comfy during the month to come. The price of these Jimmy Choos is not as comfy: 699,-€ (worse than Uggs… omg)
These wonderful suede stilettos from Givenchy go for only 1.090,- €.
The master of all shoe times is naturally going with the trend (or setting it… who knows ^^). You can have these Louboutins with tassel for 965,- €.
Alles was die Großstadt-Indianerin braucht!!! hihihi
November 28, 2010
Japan: Fashion Trends in Tokyo
During the shows and the exhibition I saw some crazy people with crazy outfits… the styles you see below however are rather “average” for Tokyo… just so you guys see how fashy the fancy Japs are! Love em´!!!
Surprisingly only this last girl, a DJane, is wearing the, for Japanese obligatory, Louis Vuitton bag. ^^
Japan: Exhibition with Ganglion
During my time in Tokyo there was also a fashion exhibition taking place. As I was working with one of the brands showing there, the design brand Ganglion, I managed to get some more insights…The exhibition however offered less than I expected. Most of the stuff wasn´t really that different. No craziness, no fancy eyecatching stuff… :(
Anyway, the day working there was great because of the ppl of Ganglion and- the cookies! I mean where the h*** do you get cookies in the shape of shoes or handbags!?! Hihihi that totally rocks!
November 27, 2010
Japan Fashion Festival: Halloween Eve
November 24, 2010
Red: On the runways
Rot rot rot ist alles was ich habe, weil mein Schatz einen Ferrari fährt… Scherz bei Seit habe keinen Schatz …und nen Ferrari leider auch nicht- Rot liebe ich trotzdem! Und auf den Runways war es auch viel zu sehen, vorallem bei den Accessoires war die Farbe der Liebe oft vertreten.
(DKNY, Carolina Herrera, Emanuel Ungaro)
(Givenchy, Givenchy, Vassilios Kostetsos)
(Loewe, Gianfranco Ferre, Tommy Hilfiger)
(Just Cavalli, Rebecca Minkoff, Versus)
Bei dem letzten Bild frage ich mich ernsthaft was mit dem Model los war, so behaart bin ich ja nicht mal im tiefsten Winter… oder okey manchmal vielleicht, aber ich bin ja schließlich auch kein Model!

And what do the rich dream of?
Losing weight and looking like the poor."