October 27, 2010
October 25, 2010
Odradek: Behind the scenes of the shoots
In Japan not only the people
are smaller, but also the irons.
Funny thing, this iron was tiny
and I felt a little like a giant in a
dwarfs world… ;)
Ironing took hours…
Another really funny thing was this “stuff”. The stylist was using it and I just couldn´t miss out immortalizing this on my blog- I mean Cock Grease and then it´s even “extra hard”!? Wow… hahaha
Vera Wang: Bridal Fall 2011
Theme for the new bridal collection of Vera Wang was “a study in volumes and draping with emphasis on necklines and backs.”
Aus aktuellem Anlass habe ich mich in letzter Zeit ein bisschen genauer mit der Brautmode befasst und bin dabei natürlich wie soll es auch anders sein immer wieder auf die gute alte Vera Wang gestoßen. Die in Sachen klassische, schöne und zum größten Teil schlichte Kleider einfach meißtens die Nase vorn hat. Um euch an meinen Recherchen teilhaben zu lassen, hier Stücke aus der neuen Herbst Kollektion 2011.
October 24, 2010
Odradek: Video shoot
October 21, 2010
Japan Fashion Week: Men´s Spring 2011
Some things which definitely doen´t work anywhere else in the world, kinda do work here in Japan. Cause you really see men in the streets here, wearing these kind of cloth…Phenomenon RTW Spring
Vanquish RTW Spring
ok and other stuff really doesn´t work anywhere at all…
Yoshio Kubo RTW Spring
The cloth are wired and the models are horrible… I mean excuse me, especially that last guy. What on earth is he doing on a runway??? Didn´t anybody tell the designer it´s also called catwalk and not bullwalk!?
Also das deutsche Männer 3/4 dessen, was die Japaner bereit sind zu tragen nie anziehen würden steht außer Frage und ich bin mir auch immer noch nicht ganz sicher, ob ich das nun als Verlust oder Gewinn sehen sollte (nur bin ich mir in jeglicher Hinsicht 100% sicher, dass die Deutschen einfach viel modischer sein sollten!)… entsprechend diesen Gegebenheiten geben die Fashion Shows für Mens Wear hier wirklich interessante “Dinge” her…
October 20, 2010
Converse: The ultimate platform shoe
So I was walking through Harajuku and then I saw these ultimately crazy shoes! Out of worldly to come up with an idea like that, but hey, if I´d only be 1,50 m tall I´d def be buying these ones too! Rocking!!!
Wenn man in Tokyo ist, dann kann man die verrücktesten Dinge sehen- so auch diese Chucks! Und erstmal dachte ich “ach du heilige Scheiße, was ist das denn!? …bringt Converse hier sowas tatsächlich raus!????” Aber mal ehrlich, wenn man auch nur 1,50 groß ist, dann sind die Dinger gar nicht mal so schlecht! ;)
October 18, 2010
Japan Fashion Week: The shows officially began
The first day of the fashion shows in Tokyo started and so far I like what I am seeing, however there is nothing mind blowing… which one should be able to expect, as the street wear of Tokyo often times is amazing- the runway sure as hell should be!!!Well five more days to go… and see! Anyway, the Odradek show will be on and naturally I am looking forward to that show as to no other! ^^
Sunao Kuwahara RTW Spring 2011
So we´ll see what´s going to be up, the organizer said:
“In order to make JFW’s identity much stronger, I wanted to get more unknown young designers or newcomers, who are creating the casual wear we see on the street,” said Nobuyuki Ota, chief of JFW’s collection project committee. “Young-looking, funky casual wear is much more important in Tokyo, compared with other fashion cities.”I´ll keep you guys posted!!!
Guys, guys, guys: Trends for spring 2011
Black is back… ok true never gone and still here, next Spring season it is especially trendy to wear a black trench coat. …at least that´s what these designers say: Bottega Veneta, Lanvin, Neil Barrett, Dunhill, Acne, Dior and Burberry (and how should know if not people at Burberry… ^^)
Beige is setting the tone for Spring. The color is perfect for a spring season fresh, but not . Canali, Perry Ellis, Givenchy, Steven Alan, Costume National, Elie Tahari and Alexander McQueen.
A guy in denim is something that definitely always works and for Spring 2011 designers are giving it a more exclusive and upscale touch. Gilded Age, Robert Geller, Iceberg, Prada, Gucci, Diesel and G-Star.
(However, we girls don´t mind men in dirty and used denim… hot!)
October 17, 2010
Reem: Label to watch
Thanks to my internship at Odradek I kinda stumbled into the label Reem. A brand founded by Reem Alasadi and based in London, which is however highly appreciated by the Japanese, long known as early adopters of fashion novelties and therefore quite known among the fashion scene of Tokyo.
The cloth are a mix of vintage, new cloth and fabrics and accessories. “The hallmark of an item by Reem is integrity and originality, she manages to put together the most surprising elements and somehow they always work.”
I really love to combination of the colors and shapes and how she manages to put together new and old in a timeless, but yet modern way! Fabulous!
October 15, 2010
Odradek: Fitting
The first fitting for the Odradek show was pretty exiting, because the models are basically all young Japanese actors and not only don´t they really know what there doing- they are quite small, which is no problem for an actor and not really surprising for a Japanese guy, but for a fashion show it´s a big issue… no wonder Demian was anxious about the outcome.
Luckily the final outcome was quite ok as they are all at least skinny and quite cute!!! yey

And what do the rich dream of?
Losing weight and looking like the poor."