May 31, 2010

Fashion-Intern-Slavery: Behind the scenes

@ Jill Stuart

Lucky me!
Ich hab echt ein riesen Glück gehabt, da ich eine der ersten (späta insgesamt 12) Praktikanten war, hatte ich mehr Ahnung von allem und konnte mehr machen und musste viele von den kleinen “Drecks”-Aufgaben nich machen.

So wie Kaffee holen (Standardaufgaben der Interns, mehrmals am Tag), bügeln, Stoff abholen, Knopflöcher umnähen gehen (am Anfang ging ich mit um den Anderen zu zeigen was sie tun mussten ^^)… dies und das eben abholen, weg bringen und wieder zurück!



… hier sortieren die anderen gerade kistenweise Make-up für die Give-a-way Täschchen und für das Visagisten-Team der Runway-Show….  haben durften wir nideres Fußvolk natürlich nix, den Models dagegen mussten die Mädels (interns) noch dicke Goodie-Bags zusammen packen.

Gut ich meine, die haben das Make-up ja auch nötig! Stimmts!? ;)

Gaultier/ Hermès: End of an era


The extroverted designer started to design the Prêt-à-Porter line for Hermès 7 years ago… now he leaves that era behind to focus on his on his own collection.



Die Models der Prêt-à-Porter-Show von Hermès ließ Gaultier gut behütet über den Runway laufen.
Der Mann der schon 1990 Madonna mit spitzen Busen-Bustier hat auf die Bühne treten lassen, wird seiner Kreativität nun in der kommenden Saison das letzte Mal für Hermès freien Lauf lassen.
Ich bin mir aber trotzdem sicher, dass wir nach wie vor noch einiges von dem “Enfant terrible” hören werden!!!

May 29, 2010

Rivers Island: Love love love their stuff!


The first thing I ever purchased of Rivers Island was a cute little purse. I bought it in Dubai 6 years ago and had no clue then, how much I´d come love the brand! And then on my last London-trip I bought the possibly most epic possession I have: a beige and gold fake-snake trolley! Love love love it!!!  


Their stuff is really epic… only toooo bad R.I. is not available in Germany…
well yet another reason for a trip to London!!!!


Marc Jacobs: Banging testimonial!?


Well well well, I am not really sure if I like the ad for the new fragrance by Jacobs or not!?

“Once I agreed to be the model, I couldn’t see what I would wear to express this. We tried it with clothes, but it didn’t work. Then Juergen had the idea for the silver Mylar, and it all came together. The silver Mylar also gives it that flash, that bang.”


Kiss, kiss, bang, bang…
He def has some bang (and I guess nothing to hide *hahaha*), but does this match to his image!?

However, as crazy/cool as the ad is ppl are definitely talkin about the campaign- marketing strategy worked out just fine! ^^

Kiss, Kiss, BANG, BANG!

May 28, 2010

Palm: haha finally 21th century technology

After huge problems with my laptop at least I finally have a smart phone... which makes love a lot easier and naturally faster! Yipie... Happy my trin out tons of apps and other thinhs (yeah must of u guys did that ages ago right!?)

The object of my unshared interest is my new palm- really satisfied so far!

...and by the way this is my phone post ever ;)
what do u guys think about it?????

May 27, 2010

Make the girl dance: Nachte Tatsachen (naked facts)


Französischer house ist im Moment einfach unschlagbar… leuchtet ja auch total ein, der Klang der weichen sing-sang Sprache passt super zu den meist eher harten, elektronischen Tönen!

Nun gibt es da drei Mädels, ich nenne sie mal Baby, Baby und Baby, die mit Sicherheit meiner Meinung sind und das einfach mal mit nackten Tatsachen zum Ausdruck gebracht haben!!! ;)


Coke Light: Karlchen rockt die Buddel

At least fashion-wise Karl Lagerfeld is one of the best exports Germany ever had!
What else could it be, other than Mr. Slick-booted-and-suited rockin the bottle of his very fav fizzy pop drink!???

In 2008 Roberto Cavalli exclusively designed a limited edition bottle for Coke light… cool, but I think the Karlchen bottle is way more edgy!
And who would present his style better than his fav homie Babtiste (I mean I def can´t blame him for that… the man is hotter than hot!) and Coco Rocha.
Unfortunately the limited edition bottle is only available in France… but if u really wanna have it, chances r u might still get it on the page of colette



Dr. Martens: Rose power boots

Flower power is sooo yesturday- rose power is today!
I guess I am having a floral obssesion… at least since I saw these boot. Newest look of the Dr. Martens Spring/Summer 2010 collection.


OMG, I can already perfectly imagine how these would work with a beige or black vintage dress… any other suggestions???

In Deutschland is der derbe Look der (ja man könnte fast sagen Springerstiefel) Martens Stiefel noch nicht bei den Modebewussten angekommen… bin mir aber ganz sicher das kommt noch und sind diese “süssen” Treter nich der perfekte Übergang dafür!?
haben wollen haben wollen haben wollen…

May 26, 2010

Christopher Lee Sauvé: Hype-shirts with a message


This February during “Fashion-Week-season” I went to the Patricia Field/Keith Haring party at Good Units (NY).
The outrageous costumes on parade there certainly seemed like a revival of the early 90s New York scene- crazy, just crazy!

Though most of the outfits I´ve seen that night are not really wearable for the “normal” human being, I saw something that totally is too!

PatricaField Party 

May I introduce: Sam, musical artist from New York, wearing this super cool shirt by Christopher Lee Sauvé. (I´m wearing a Topshop dress).
Epic, the print is just epic.

…and so are most of the other shirts by the New York-based fashion artist.

chris chris2 chris3 chris5  

Yeah yeah yeah, bei dieser Gelgenheit freut es mich euch Schlandies mitzuteilen, dass die krassen T´s jetzt auch uns erreicht haben… der Hype is über den Teich geschwappt!


Seine gegenwärtige Popularität begann, als die Gerüchte, dass Anna Wintour Redakteurin der VOGUE ersetzt werden sollte, sich zu überschlagen begannen. Auf dem iconic t-shirt das CLS schuf stand einfach nur: SAVE ANNA.

Und heute gibt es noch viele viele andere kreative coole Shirts!
Mein fav is die Vogue Bible- hamma!!!!

May 25, 2010

Vogue Germany: Mono-Edition with Claudia Schiffer

- Ich muss leider immer noch unter widrigen Umständen arbeiten... live without internet connection really sucks -

Vogue Germany just published a special edition dedicated to the German Super-model Claudia Schiffer.

The cover of the magazine shows her nacked and pregnant with her 3rd child...

well, I think that´s just a (cheap) copy of the original shoot of Demi Moore by Annie Leibovitz in 1991 anyway.

Apart from that, having a whole fashion magazine dedicated to a pregnant woman (and through pretty, still "big") is a bit to much! Therefore my conviction: booooring!

Und wer zur Hölle gibt mir jetzt meine 6,- € zurück!?
Was sagt ihr dazu??? Any opinions???

May 23, 2010

OMG: Dead... my internet connection is dead!

Sooo, this is probably the apocalypse.... my surfstick is broken. Well,
obviously O2 can´t do!!!!!!!
OMG what would u dooooo (...when they come for u ^^)

May 21, 2010

Hermès: The world in a square

The luxury label Hermès creates more than 20 silk scarfs per year.
One of those is always dedicated to benefit a good cause.
To remind us of the width and variety of the world, the motive of the 2010 Carré shows a map of the world. This project promotes the work of the National Geographic Society.


With 280,- € it might be a little expensive…. but hey, isn´t it just for the good cause!??? ;)

F.I.T.: Evening courses

During my time in New York this winter, I tried to get out of the time as much as possibly possible… internships at Jill Stuart, Versace and The Train and a job at a fashion trade show for the italian luxury outerwear label Feyem… and I took evening classes at the FIT.


A Photoshop class, which I consider as highly important and …what was the course called…!? Something like “Maximize your carrier and supersize your fashion skills”. Booooooring, the class was really super-duper boring and in addition the guy teaching didn't have a single clue about fashion! *yawn*

Anyway, the people attending the classes with me were really nice and I think some of them will make some very fine and creative people in the fashion branch some day… Good luck too u all!

The hopefully soon to be vintage store owner Nan. Featured on the blog “stilelikeu”.  

image  image

May 20, 2010

Alley Cat: Obscene woman´s magazine



New German magazine, talkin´ about BUTTularity:
”After all, the butt is a secondary sexual characteristic. Sort of the portal to the genitals”.

Die Burda Style Group bingt ein neues Magazin für junge Frauen zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren auf den Markt: "Alley Cat".
Der Magazintitel bedeutet übersetzt "streunende Katze" und im übertragenen Sinn auch "leichtes Mädchen".


Interessant finde ich das die Idee und das ganze Konzept von einer 26-jährigen kommen. Ina Küper, Chefredakteurin des Magazins, hat ihre Examensarbeit darüber geschrieben. … ob das wohl ne 1,0 gab? ;)

"Erotik für junge Frauen, ohne Tamtam und umständliche Umschreibungen, dafür aber humorvoll und erfrischend",
das soll Alley Cat bieten. Beim Durchblättern der Zeitschrift muss ich allerdings sagen, dass die Zeitschrift schon nett aussieht und das ein oder andere Thema schon etwas anders angeht (Sex-Report über die Generation 3.0), aber wenn wir hier von einer streunenden Katze ausgehen, könnte es ruhig noch etwas stumpfer und spitzer sein! Oder etwa nicht!?? ;)

Sam Edelman: Making his way to Germany



Yeeeey, Sam Edelman is finally hitting Germany!
The Sam Edelman brand was launched in the U.S. in 2004 and quickly emerged to be totally en vogue! The New York based designer convinces with eminently fashionable and beautifully constructed collections.


And as a little hint were to get some nice Edelmans, Urban Outfitters has a fabulous pair of boots.

Love love love love…. love those boots!!!!!!



May 19, 2010

Fashion-Intern-Slavery: Running errands

As every intern in this world (ok… maybe some smart ass doesn´t) I had to run errands: Starbucks, Jamba Juice… low-fat venti chai green tea latte with sugar free vanilla sirup… hahaha 
…but I got to go to some really cool places too!

the probably coolest place to buy fabrics. They have any fancy, fabulous fabric you can even think of.

Star Snaps,
this really small store on 39th street… where I met the two latino guys- the blunt boss and his friendly and his chary cousin. Which I really annoyed after a while, because I always came with extra work in the last second!

And naturally…

New York Vintage,
with it´s overwhelming selection of the finest in designer and couture vintage clothing and accessories.
I couldn´t take any pictures inside the store, but this nice one of the store window.


And this is a sketch from 1938 that I found. I see this totally back in fashion. Imagine wearing this coat, maybe in fawn or champagne colour with silverfox!!! OMG fabulous!!!!!!


….soooo, running errands definitely makes a lot of sense! ;)

May 17, 2010

Zalando: Warning to all men!

Warning instead of advertising: with a shaky video in "Blair Witch"-style!

In the spot a desperate-looking man advises the manhood to urgently keep their wives and girlfriends away from Zalando. A pan with the camera shows why:
He is sitting in a shoe closet as big as a livingroom. 

….. a dream come true for every girl I know  …. worst nightmare for every guy I know!?


May 16, 2010

Men´s Chinos: Super nice fit from J.Crew

Just 4 Ikaika! ^^

This hot summer style is def a “unisex” style!

As I posted before, chinos are a summer must-have for the ladies,
but the gents should go for this one too!


Broken-in chino in urban slim fit by “the men´s shop” J.Crew.

May 15, 2010

Chinos: The big comeback

Sie haben nun bereits den ein oder anderen (erfolgreichen) Auftritt auf den Laufstegen gehabt und sind auch wieder regelmässig in den Glossies zu sehen:


Chinos sind aus strapazierfähigem Baumwoll-Twill, dass in mehreren Gewichten gewebt wird und kann eine glatte, gebürstete mercerisierte oder weiche Oberfläche haben.
Ursprünglich von der US Army für die Sommer Uniformen eingesetzt, wurden sie dann von Stefano Pilati bei Yves Saint Laurent verjüngt.

In beige oder khaki mag ich persönlich den zeitlosen Klassiker am Liebsten. Acne und Zara haben ein paar wirklich tolle Chinos im Sortiment.


Mein Sonst-Liebling Topshop dagegen, hat mit diesem Teil den Vogel abgeschossen! grrrr


The Top“ Flop” Chino!!!

May 07, 2010

Beyoncé: Retro Pin-up girl


Talking about vintage…

Poor Beyoncé, in her new video she doesn´t only have to deal with a car break down, but also with the scorching sun.


But nevertheless she does that with more style and sex-appeal than the police should allow-
as a hot Pin-Up Girl in Retro Style!


Well well well, after Dita van Teese, Amy Winehouse and Katy Perry
I bet this is fueling up the retro trend again!


If u want it hot, has some really sassy stuff!!!

 rtro  leotro  nautical-bikini

May 06, 2010

Vintage: Make-up tricks


Due to the resent Topshop make up launch I searched some make up stuff and found this:



So girls now we know (at least retro-wise), what´s hot and what´s not! ;)

Topshop: Make up launch


“Applying the Topshop spirit to cosmetics.”




Out now! Topshops first Make up range.

Die Kosmetik von Topshop scheint so style-orientiert zu sein, wie die Klamotten des Hauses- mit anderen Worten trend pur!
Bleibt die Frage offen, wie es mit der Quali steht und ob das Preisleistungsverhältnis stimmt...
ansonsten alle Daumen hoch für die neueste Innovation aus dem Hause Topshop!

As always Topshop is rockin it hard! ;)

Alexander McQueen: Fall 2010




der letzte gang …

Miss Sixty: Neustes von der Snake-Front


Ich kann nach wie vor vom Schlangenlook noch nicht genug bekommen.
Scheint bei Miss Sixty so zu sein und deshalb haben die nun dieses ultra heisse Teil in einer Limited Edition raus gebracht! Heizzzzzzz…..




The Zip Shot model, icon piece of the Miss Sixty 2010 Spring-Summer Collection, takes on a snakeskin effect and becomes a limited edition in 1600 pieces!



Berlin: First of May


Day 2 be in Berlin: First of May!



Berlin-Kreuzberg is looking back on a long demonstration “tradition”…
unfortunately, cause in the past it often came to serious riots…

2010 everything should be different…

- The demonstration was moved to a different area
and it only left a great party, good music and fancy people: 
The Myday! Berlin was really rockin it!






IMG_1686 IMG_1691


Style of the day: The lovely outfit, of this really lovely chick to the right!

Wonderful, the flower print one-piece, the denim biker jacket and the
gladiator inspired sandals add up to flower-power summer look that really
stood out from the crowd!




Little taste:

"See, the poor dream all their lives of getting enough to eat and looking like the rich.
And what do the rich dream of?

Losing weight and looking like the poor."